2000 Photos - Full sized photos ... this could take a while.

A day spent chasing waterfalls with Danita, Dave Cox, Damian, Simon, and the Cox boys Andy and Alex:

Fall Creek, off the North Umpqua

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Here's the guys!
Here's another waterfall in a little hideaway area I like. The moss around this stream is 6" thick in places. Raw lava nearby. Old growth trees ...

Hidden waterfall

And the beautiful North and South Mathieu Lakes on the trail to Scott Pass (near a 400 year old lava flow at the top of McKenzie Pass):

North Mathieu

South Mathieu

And just for fun, here's a Spotted Coral Root from our property:

Spotted Coral Root
And here's some photos from our jaunt around the Olympic penensula:

Hurricane Ridge

Yep - them's good mountains!

Ready to descend to our camping spot

Does OSHA know about this bridge?