Descendants of Sam and Eva Kemp
Sam and Eva Kemp
Sam and Eva raised two sons (Dick and Jon) on the Eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains, in and out of Fort Collins, Colorado. Dick and Gina started their family in Cody, Wyoming - later moving to southern Washington. Jon and Margaret started me out in West Slope, Oregon - west of Portland - we moved to Eugene in the '60s. 

The intent of this web site is to serve our far-flung family. Any feedback is welcome! Just click the "Comments/Suggestions" link under the buttons in the upper-left corner of the screen. Michael K Kemp

Dick and Jon Kemp

Fall 2008: I've had the pleasure of indulging my passion for blade smithing again. And this time I mean business! It will take me a year or two to get worthy - but you can check out my progress here: Elemental Forge LLC

Here's some photos from Maggie's 90th Birthday Party!!!

January 2007 saw the launch of another web project - check out the blog: What Was Your First Clue?

Just so you know I'm not a TOTAL recluce - I have many friends out here:
and not just trees, but BIRDS! and CHIPMUNKS! I'ts a pain when Danita nags me about tracking coyote droppings through the house.

Anybody that knows me knows by now that Danita and I have been incredibly happy together for many years...
So let me introduce you to some more of the extended family ... especially Granddaughter Emma! Here are some photo galleries - un-edited (Hey ... I ain't retired yet - I've only got so much time!)

The Lyddons (especially Emma)

Ok - we are planning a family trip to Belize for Spring Break 2005.

After seeing the trees come down during the 1/1/2004 snow storm, we decided that two large firs had to come down.

A few photos from a day canoeing with Brooke & Jim at Waldo Lake.

Danita and I did a day hike to Opal Creek .

Once again (for 2004) - Marge Zane was gifted with a wonderful birthday party at WoRoBo.

Here are some ANCIENT family photos - I had Jon's old slides transferred to digital

Photos from our hike to Berley and Craig Lakes to see what the B&B Complex fires had done to the area - July 10 2004

Here's some photos from the year 2000.

Believe it or not, there are some people that I have not subjected to Danita and my Hawai'i trip photos. And that have actually REQUESTED to see them (they all live far from Eugene and lack the sense to stay quiet)!

Click the photo to see the thumbnail gallery:

Why look... It's a Yurt!
Michael's Famous Yurt Project!
Click on the drawing for progress photos...

The drawing at left gives an idea of the "yurt" being built. It ignores the fact that there is a seven foot drop across this elevation. For scale, the windows are 6' high, the skylight is 5' across, the walls are 10' high and the diameter is 31'. The French doors in the center of the drawing face our little stream. Not bad, hey?

May 7 - all site prep is completed for the bulldozer to come in and grade the road later this week.

June 26 - new photos - the Yurt is up! (click on the drawing)

Final interior work done in February 2001. Fini.

Grandmother Maple Here's my Solstice card from 1999 - click on it for the BIG picture ...

The photo is of a magnificent old maple that lives at the top of Doane Mountain back behind our place ... Jim and Puck and I spent many an afternoon up there (lo those many years ago).